All I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son. Anybody that gets in the way of that is gonna lose.
Just got my Ally X. What's the first things I should do?
Who delivers a takeout pizza to a secret underground lab?
What lies did your Recruiter tell you?
Inmate says jail niggas living better than the free man today 😫
Can I still become a correctional officer?
Names for a Stryker that start with "K"
I took un approved leave and saw my LT on the plane…
is wearing protected clothing necessarily better?
college educated/overweight woman getting trapped by hood niggas
What is a Walking Dead opinion that would make the rest of the fanbase do this to you?
This nigga doesn’t get clowned enough for shooting a niggas mom😂(he my fav rapper but he did some real clown shit)
All striking correction officers to be fired Sunday: State of New York employee relations
What should a lost 22 year old do?
Share your maps. How do you use your them?
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve been chewed out for?
Going guard as someone who wants to be a policeman
A true LinkedIn Hero
Last words of an innocent...
Putting females on lucki
Anyone else just enjoying the game with really relaxed settings?
Prepping for basic
Just lost my longest survivor, 3 months 13 days 💔
When do i win
Why do you think Raq is crying?