Upgraded 11 years up the Model Year ladder
Guess who had their first holi??
I want to break teeth !
My dad had a stroke
Out of the paper
Education Minister Runs over 1st Year Student at JU
Someone griefed my company’s couch
Do you guys have any tips. on hoe to make the iphone 16 the best experience possible and last the longest . bc i only really upgrade phones every 6 years or so
Only a dude can create this
Slipping as it crumbles
That tiny blue dot is Earth. Photo taken by spacecraft Cassini as it drifted near Saturn.
Plane upside down after crash at Toronto Pearson International Airport.
Is 12 Noon late to office, because someone had no choice but work late nights like crazy?
How’s this for the regular 16?
16 battery good enough for me??
Just bought 16 and kinda regret..
First-ever video footage of rare deep-sea Black Devil fish spotted in shallow waters near Tenerife
Played with a suction cup, it's been two days
My card collection have cards from almost all major banks
Samsung Lag 25 ultra
Dude reuniting with an old military friend is priceless
Stewardess holds a restless baby in her arms while doing her job and the baby reciprocated by blowing kisses to the passengers
Please find out, BEFORE you reach the lounge, which cards you have complimentary access available.