A viral just broke down your door, the thing directly in front of you is now your weapon, what is it?
Let’s buff USS9, it’s very weak
What moment in any CODM gamemode made you look like this?
ITZY have just been arrested. Which hilarious crime did each member commit?
How many people actually use this look for Johnny?
My underwear was always brown, I swear 😅🤣
Does anyone else have a weird obsession with getting all camos for their guns, or is it just me?
Why do you (don't) use USS-9?
250313 ITZY Instagram Reels Update with Yeji - The perfect balance of Air, half sound, half voice 🎶 JYP PD and the #AirChallenge 💃
Somethings wrong with my sniper :(
The type of lyrics you write when nobody uses drugs in your country
Irene eating
Who was your first 2NE1 bias, and who is your current bias?
Friendly volatile !
Would've risked becoming a viral for that
Is this rare? Am I lucky? (100% real, not fake)
Which monster do you hate the most?
The stun baton’s model is very large
What are your rarest skins guys?
Quickscopers are so annoying
What’s your highest kill in SnD?
What's happening?
I'm about to get open heart surgery and these are my doctors. How screwed am I chingeese?🙀🙀
(16F)Am I ugly? Be honest
What should be banned from ranked game modes?