I'll guess your penis size based on your favorite kanye song
Should I change the pink path and if so what should I change it to?
What do my top 12 skins say abt me?
Who plays this anymore
And AI is officially terrifying (bonus at the end)
i voiced rah tah tah
This is such a goon albums 10/10
What did Tamina ever actually do in her 10 year+ career?
Every fortnite player rn
I did this in a math textbook idk why
What’s Something bad we got used to?
Idk what the rules ab these are but here’s My Interest Board!
If this entire sub had a convention in real life, do you think you would finally get a boyfriend?
What wrestler have you just never cared about?
He left me on seen 😔😔
What fictional dystopia do you feel we're most likely heading towards?
What was the point of this
Agree or Disagree ?
Do you miss chapter 5 or not
Which match was the best in their trilogy?
give me ANY word and i’ll relate it to Kanye
Naw this is sick asf
What season is this for you?
Do we fw the Converse gang⁉️⁉️⁉️
What rapper beside Tyler is the most liked by Tyler fans ?