Holy shit
Who said Enrage Warrior wasn't good? (Ignore the text on the top right)
Extravaganza of the evening, me, soft pastel, 2022
The Snail- "After seven long turns, it finally caught up to you"
Blizzard is becoming self aware...
New Card Revealed - Murlocula
New Card Revealed - Orion, Mansion Manager
New Card Revealed (unofficial translation) - Betrayal of Betrayal
And here we have an Escaped Manasaber in its natural habitat, Escaped from the confinement of it's puny card den.
Knesset to disband, Yair Lapid to become prime minister
How do you unlock the White Ruby 300 sniper?
New Card Revealed - Trench Surveyor
New Hunter Card: Twinbow Terrorcoil
These crisps tell you the name of the person who made them.
Rafael Nadal wins the Australian open, coming back from 2 down to be the first man ever to win 21 grand slams!
New Custom Class: Bard
The truth
From Celestalon’s AMA: They’re planning to bring back a previous non-evergreen keyword and make it evergreen. Predictions?
New (and I do believe final) Card Reveal for DH
Scrapsmith revealed earlier by Dreads has changed its artwork according to the PlayHearthstone website.
New Card - Spirit Guide
New Card - Deliverance
New Card - Coldtooth Yeti