Isagi fans that wanted him n°1
Rin fans that wanted him n°1
Interesting fact
Kunigami fans
Shidou fans that wanted 2gls
Kaiser fans
Isagis adaptability isn't an excuse for aspulls
[DISC] Blue Lock - Chapter 295
Something that needs to stop
Kaiser and Ness are funny
The most annoying thing about this sub
Sendou is underrated asf
Blue Lock Chapter 295 Leaks
Loki is stupid
Kaiser is one of the biggest frauds
Being eliminated is not that bad
Funny thing about 3rd selection
The top 23
Chigiri's own vision
Why do people d ride Kiyora Jin?
Barou's celebration
Thoughts on this blue lock post NEL tier list? (In order)
Chigiri is more overated than people realize
What I hope happens betwee man c and barcha
Final predictions for the Top 23