My own Chapter V Concept
Why do people think China is coming?
Africa map is terrible (and so are the cultures)
The Inazuma Eleven Go Raimon new team it's unlikable and pathetic
Inazuma Eleven V HEROES SHOWCASE 2025 Confirmed for april 11
How is everyone's hype regarding this game's new story? From what was shown in the Demo I think it has a lot of potential, maybe if this game sells well we will have sequel story's like OG and GO had
Is Putin Psycho who wants to invade NATO? Jeffrey Sachs explains Russian motivations over last decade in Brussels. Full rundown on what is happening and why in 7 minutes.
Why did Kageyama become evil again in Galaxy?
Dopo cent’anni Salò revoca cittadinanza onoraria Mussolini
Ci stiamo abituando agli estremismi?
I wanted to buy t&t, but why newest opinions are so bad?
Where is new dlc
It's like the Polish are trying to piss off Italians on purpose.. lol
Trump, 'l'Ucraina non avrebbe dovuto iniziare la guerra' - Ultima ora
What is the chanec of Inazuma being in the next nintendo direct?
Genuine question why the right wing is on the rise everywhere
As of one week before German Elections, the trends in Eastern Germany indicate a growing shift toward fascism.
Trump Desperately Tries to Rehire Staff After Purge at Nuclear Agency
Italians most beloved nation due to surveys in Poland
CBOS: Stosunek Polaków do innych narodów 2025
JU from pretty much any LGBT for constant Communist propaganda.
Un drone russo ha colpito il sarcofago del reattore 4 di Chernobyl
Google maps ha già aggiornato il Golfo del Messico
The arguments against an East Asia expansion
Just another reddit echo chamber
You now remember when IE Victory's Road (Previously known as Ares) was gonna release on the 3DS
Just unsubbed from r\Polska (Polish subreddit)