Is This What I Think This Is?
[FS] - South FL 33071 - $3+ DAKU AQUATICS -- Bucephalandra | Java Ferns | Anubias | Rotala | Cabomba | Pearl Weed | Anacharis | Hydrocotyle Tripartita | Cryptocorynes | Swords | Blyxa | Eriocaulon Vietnam | Dwarf Saggitaria | Java Moss Mats | Subwassertang | Other Mosses | Floating Plants & More!
Pizza Roncadin -Definitely Recommend
180cm x 120cm home paludarium, one month after setup.
New controller
Leave A Comment To Win The Unannounced 2025 Bambu Lab 3D Printer & Other Prizes - OctoEverywhere is 5! 🔥
Fan Window Cats
Sidewalks going into Scott's Addition on Roseneath 🙌
Tell me your favorite song from any Burnout soundtrack and I’ll let you know if you’re in
1 year update - 3.5 gal - low tech tank (No CO2, no pump)
I made a tool that takes any Pokemon and makes a colour palette out of it! (for designers)
Top or bottom, which looks nicer? It’ll be a planted aquarium and I’ll probably add some rocks too.
Revitalized Nano Paludarium
I'm giving away over $2,500 dollars of my Arcana Core Musical Dice! Just comment within the next 2 days to enter [OC]
N spotted at Colorado Springs EA station
[Giveaway] 3x Drop CSTM80 Keyboards
Bowser Stencil - Mario Bros
Boo Stencil - Mario Bros
What did ya name it?
After one week of speculation, the MH370 videos have been proven fake
Art Bot
A 1993 photograph of an cougar was captured in Maine, even though Eastern cougars have been believed extinct since the 1940s. Many accuse wildlife services of refusing to acknowledge their existence
A friend posted these as "photography" but it feels like AI to me, any opinions?
UFO Whistleblower Hearing Explained