K foodie meets J Foodie
Please let us pick a server
If you know, you know
Gentleman’s agreement on mid round pauses
ELO minus 53 after dominant win
Tips for damage? I am doing like 200-350 to my opponent each round, my opponent does 1000+
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
Matchmaking relief for those of us in a server black hole.
If so many people play this game, why do I get the same toxic guy 3 times in a row?
To those that say trained fighters are "full of $#!&"...
How do you give props to your opponent?
What more do you want me to do game! It’s just trolling at this point.
Just won 30-23 and lost points why?
Should be a kids section in this game
Actual game changer
Let’s all give a nice slow clap to Ian the main dev
Game is completely broken. Most of the hits you do probably don't even land. Tested with a friend.
Anybody play with these?
Cheap Ranking Win bug
Looking for feedback: How is clinch blame working out for you?
Finally hit elite. Was super hyped when I noticed and wanted to share with you fellas.
Where to watch John in NZ?
Working around bad ping
Nikon’s COOLPIX P1100: A Beast of a Camera, But Do Content Creators Need It?
Is this happening to anyone else?