A recent trending new Teto release, Daidaidaidaidaikirai. It has a really well animated MV.
Teto-Berry [cyberwispp]
Chunithm Kasane Teto Collab announcement. Including songs like Hitomania and Letter to the Blackened World.
Don't lose your head.
this is from last year when i finished my teto cosplay - i was so so proud!!
Encore Dancer Tet
Bloom in Mud by Volpis Carter
Petition to start banning Decidueye
A Very Berry Teto [Myat_E2024]
Encore Dance, new song by MiMi! (Science)
dumb meme I made
The Monitoring Tet [119_tomatooo]
Which one will you choose to serve you? [mentsuyuwa_aoi]
I can't take it anymore!!! Please talk about someone else! Remember Oliver?
Adachi Rei also supports cooking!
Chat it's been a month since I added a user flair, give me suggestions for songs we don't have.
New User Flairs added.
Feeling nostalgic for older vocaloid. Does anyone remember kagerou project?
No Filter. All Baka. [yukia_1128]
Adachi Reiiiiii
So Tired!