Pulled N's Reshiram! Such a beautiful card.
What is your single most prized possession?
I'm not sure what to do?
What do I do?
It’s not fun anymore? I’m just going to buy these 9 raw and close the door on Pokemon.
Wife and I went on a date night and pulled this to end the night.
Best $10 spent on a tin.
How's the difference from FB1 to FB3?
Hello, please help me edit for my daughter's first birthday.
Which team formation is better with my Nikkes? Is there better placements aside from what I have?
Trailblaze Resume
When random matchmake teammates give up and leave 'cause they don't know boss mech, leaving just you and your duo
Path of Elation really clutches up Endgame content IMO
The duo is now complete
Adveturine over Fu Xuan?
Lepic Min Maxed Bossing and Mobbing End Game Builds
At this point, how about we just remove the immunity balls completely?
Step in the right direction but you can't expect these players to know how to read.
Just for you AFK farmers. The devs themselves dont want you doing and the overwhelming majority also dont want you doing it.
Gilding Glorious Bug?
Which Igneious Roll should I stick with?
Star Rail fits very well into my daily routine
Re-pasting my GPU for the first time because it was overheating. Did I do significant enough?