What’s a good standalone and or COMPLETED series that left readers wanting more?
where do you guys buy your journals?
RIP Prop 414
What does Madison think Michelle did to her?!?
There are no rules to journaling… My feelings during a staff meeting lol
Why Do You Journal?
What are some journaling tips that nobody talks about?
Does he have only 1 HAIRSTYLE?! this is fancy for him?!
Made a Bernie to help me cope with political craziness
Karla!!! Lmao
Looking for silver jewelers and or stores that sell gemstone bangles.
PocketBook vs. Kindle! Is it worth switching?
Looking to lend a hand….
Conundrum….. I really am in love with the Midori Hibino for journaling but feel it’s too late to buy?How do I fill the missed 6 weeks or is there a comparable journal I could use? (Size and Paper?)
I had to!!! Lana 23
Picture of my grandma and great grandmother
Prop 414 Will make Tucson the highest taxed city in Arizona.
I am looking for people who want to make money in Arizona, I have a job , good pay
Does Anyone Use A Strap On?
So excited! Just wanted to share….
I love my journal from china !
Local Stationary/ Paper Store?
What are your top three favorite books? Why? I’m finding this is a great way to get suggestions 😊