Do you have a favorite color sphynx?
New To Fish - This is Poop, Right?
What should we name him
What color would Spooky be if he had fur?
My love, Ruben 17,5 years old.
Roast my puppy
Good Puppy
🎵 Take my hand... Take my whole life, too
It’s a Weiner Roast!! 🌭
She thinks she’s a supermodel. She’s right
Target locked
Meet Ra' - 50% Sun God 50% chicken nugget
Destroy this long angel
Fell for the yawn trap
Extremely uncomfortable about the latest episode of Real Crime
Medication maths
I have a list, please help choose a name for this small gremlin
What animal even is that
Oh my goodness, they’ve adopted him into the cat family 😂🥰
Raw toast
How my sphynx leaves his favorite blanket
Family Pawtrait
Help With Vetting a Potential Cattery/Breeder
Meet Truffles, roast her if you can