I got Corrupt of Aspects
Which Dragonflight dungeon you want back in future M+
Which Cataclysm dungeon you want to see in future seasons on M+
Which BFA dungeon do you want to see in M+ again?
Which Legion dungeon do you want to see again?
And now, lets talk about new visual for Mecha-Mogul Mk2
What are you think about Death Chakram as returning spell for Hunter?
My MM hunter playing with my pet of 20 years in 11.1
Даже Яндекс не стесняется выдавать правду
least favourite class/why ?
Где теперь смотреть аниме(
What are some Delutaya memes?
If Titanstrike (Legion Artifact) was in BM Hunter's Hero Talents (Fan-Concept)
Which version of Karkin (hunter pet) is best in your opinion?
What is your opinion about ALL Shadowlands dungeons as M+ for future seasons
Whats your opinion to Pit of Saron as M+ dungeon on future seasons?
What is your opinion about reworked Halls of Origination as M+ dungeon for future seasons?
I'm not racist, I'm just _____.
I added some flair for our players
Rate the wallpapers (0/10)
Here comes another day
Welcome to Thar Angelde's official community!
How about Skyreach as M+ dungeon for next seasons on WoW
I want this dungeons for S4
WOW 10.2 PTR in the nutshell (every time i log in, and this crash message are here)