Which actress has the most attractive voice?
Favorite movie score?
Best scream in movie history?
“12 Angry Men” has surpassed “Come And See” as the No.2 movie in the Top 250 List
What’s a first round upset that you see happening this year?
What’s the worst film you’ve seen lately?
Favorite movie score/soundtrack? I’ll go first
If you were to be a padawan then who would you want as your Master???
What is the WORST horror movie you have ever watched?
Realistic final 4
What’s your thoughts on Denis Villeneuve? Top three favorite films?
Just tell me the last song you listened to
Which movie scene disturbed you so much that it stuck with you?
Help!! Need a go to song to play when things get freaky🫦
What’s a movie that bored you so much you kept checking the time?
Name a movie where the first 10 minutes hooked you completely.
Last top 4, what did you watch over the weekend?
Hardest To pick first round matchups
Who all has Auburn making it out of the south region?
Which films are you most excited for?
What are your top 3 new watches so far this year?
Are you living to see the next day?
Which of these five best Tennessee basketball teams since 2017-18 do you think was the best?
What movie comes to mind when you see this man?
Championship Poll