Dr e MG
Cosa pensate della Renault Clio?
Cosa ne pensate???
The first new Draguar hits the roads. Powered by estrogen.
Proprietari di tesla, come sta andando contro atti vandalici in ambito "Elon Nazi"?
Quicksilver or Ultra Red?
Unhinged imaginary Deb is amazing!
They gotta be fucking with me right?
Opinioni sulla nuova CLA? Per me spettacolare a livello tech, nonostante il faccione che poteva essere meglio...
Doesn't pay to have nice things
tryndamere ult rework idea
Why does Serylda's Grudge still have 30% armor penetration?
Nuove Renault 4 e Renault 5 in dirittura d'arrivo sul mercato. Canto del cigno, restyling di classe o occasione persa? Ai posteri l'ardua sentenza.
Youtube suggestions have been very good lately
Harry Morgan Prequel Spinoff set in the 60s/70s?
Si stava meglio quando si stava peggio (?)
Siamo fuori di testa
Trinity couldn't have been that good of a killer
Thoughts on this bad boy? Got it a couple of months back, very satisfied.
i think hannah mckay gets overlooked because of the dissatisfaction towards the last seasons
Why do people hate Harrison?
Sunfire is an absolutely useless item
When do you think it started to go down for Dexter(the character not the show)
Guys you don't understand. Riot is just going back to their roots
Nah, I can't take this....
JOSEPH wins round 5. ROUND 6. Who is most a horrible person with opinions divided amongst fans. Most upvoted comment wins.