Don't talk to me or my video games ever again, ladies.
Me waking up ready to play
How I’m feeling today
Friendliest States 2025 based in the Politeness Index
Would this be a good time to enter or no?
Not for the weak
You know the deal
Donald Trump
Panic or don’t panic?
Presidential Pump.
Are we partying or what!
Alright who wants to talk about Trumpcoin? 🤣
Just for fun, what would be the first thing you do after withdrawing some funds from Dogecoin?
Make sure you cash out now while it’s up
How are we feeling
I remember when no one could shut up about Dogecoin
Thanks Doge
Fuck this dude
Doge is finally about to pop! Can you believe it?
I just ate Indian food, who’s gonna take a dump first tonight me or Dogecoin?
It’s time to step toward the light
The first rule to Dogecoin is
Why every time I post in this group about Dogecoin U fill my Reddit with hate and my Dogecoin keep going up?