The Sonic-Verse: A Dimensional Rescue
I love Amusement Parks
Where does this put the Tibetan monks in the pecking order?
What do you think (or want) her first line to be?
They forgot about it 3 youtube shorts later
I mean....They're not wrong tho
Which super form of Eggman is the most powerful?
We bad.
Villains, Evil
Anything you scale can and will be used against you in a vs match
What do you think?
all of you who don't follow the main comic subs are missing out on quality clout potential
I still think it's hilarious that Our Spider-Man Variant is the Racist One
Ben 10K is my favorite Example of This Trope ngl
This is getting out of hand, now there are four of them! by Eisenbrave
Image Comics has yet to feel the Affleck curse
Michael *Jon* Carter and his good old pal Ted Kordfield
If you were to try to explain fan fiction to a normie, what would you say?
Which would you pick?
A continent with no magic*
Outjerked by r/spiderman by them linking a fascist website
Grammer is overrated,