I’m hoping to put together a dragapult ex deck
This pack was from Costco blooming waters (shipped)
I opened 8 of these, for science
I bought this for $50 today
AIO for getting upset with how my ex speaks to my 10 year old daughter?
A friend of my friend got scammed but refuses believe it, then proceeds to burn them.
What do you guys do with your mini tins? Just picked up this tin bundle for the packs but I really don't want to be wasteful and just throw out the tins.
This is the greatest card ever made and nobody can change my mind
Are we really scalping binders now?
Pokemon day
Last nights pulls. First two photos are what we are keeping and the others we are trading
Vandalism overnight at a local park.
Binder organization
What would cause this to form in my penny sleeves?
Just about to get into the hot tub. Caught a weird peeping Tom! UK
Do yall think crown zenith sea and sky premium collection will keep going up?
Spicing things up with my master set binders
I feel I’m a horrible mom because my son grew up to be quite strange
AIO? Friend Backing Out Last Minute on $4k Valentine's Trip Payment
4 pocket binder that fits more than 160 cards
I am SO angry
Does it bug anyone else that there are some cards in modern sets what don’t have a non-ex version?
PMO that these don’t fit in binders
Local shop said the pull rates were good for the Blooming Waters set