If you are not the victim..
Mercy asks you to abstain from this cruelty.
Free Palestine, enslave animals instead!
What is your opinion on donating eggs/semen?
This has to be a joke, right? RIGHT?!
*short circuit*
My religion requires breeding, am I still an antinatalist?
I want to congratulate you on not having children.
There's no need to be vegan antinatalist because humans has it worse. AN is only for humans.
Torture Device
Uhm.. eh... Taxes!
Carnist: "Not everyone is a vegetarian because they care about animals"
Purged from r/antinatalism for 'being a meme' outside of "meme mondays"
breeding suffering is okay because it’s too inconvenient be vegan!
I'm already vegan and antinatalist, what other moral stances should I brag about to appear even more morally superior?
Supremacy rocks! (when you're the chosen one)
Let's hear the arguments for you think you're an antinatalist and not just childfree!
Carnist: "I'm a vegetarian but I bet my friend I could cook a better steak than he could."
Impatient driver suffers the consequences
Veganism is not antinatalism
Thank you to everyone who speaks up
Summary from the natalist sub
Is it fine to breed and kill if we can turn them into hamburgers?
I can't post in here because of karma?