Delivery motorcycles
Cried in my girlfriends arms today
Looking around
Loafy gal
Your picks for most egregious players not having a 99 in DD (yet)?
S4 Finest Reveal Megathread
Sneak peak at finest cards
Honk moooo
Pretty eyes
Sleepy cow
P5 A’s theme team appreciation
The most affection she’ll show to her younger sister
People that have given their cats very regular human names, what are they called?
Do we do nothing???
A cool guide to Where is usa are common foods grown?
Last song you heard + “in my ass”
Hand over your cats! I’d like to draw them badly please
I would like to publicly apologize to Dom Smith
This card is so slept on
If you could only pick one, who would you choose and why
did not expect to find her here
Are there any people who were in good relationships and still broke up?
I opened up to my Gf at the time, she is now my wife
Grayson Rodriguez AMA