PAC FINECO (Non crea transazioni?)
43 euro ben spesi!
Addebito rata auto dopo estinzione anticipata finanziamento.
Miglior tipo di Gocciole?
$2,400 DAP, $250 Cable, and $80 IEM. Perfection.
Maybe I'm lucky or maybe I play too much lol
What is the first game that comes to mind when you see the Electronic Art logo?
Saving rate del 90% o tornare a studiare?
Qualcuno a cui piacciono gli spiritbox?
6,647 cards without a crown pull. How many crowns pulled to total cards pulled for you?
How is everyone progressing? I’ve just been getting dupes as of late
Oggetti quotidiani con ROI piu alto
Canzoni che fanno sentire così??
La mia ragazza vuole rifarsi il seno
Did I Just Level Up or Mess Up?
Guess my number 1 artist (probably pretty difficult)
Come tenete traccia delle vostre spese?
What deck do you all use for the 1-3 Diamond Rarity Against Blastoise EX/Vaporeon EX?
Do you concede when you estimate your chances of winning are too low, even if not zero?
Guess my top artist
Guess the top artist. Bonus: guess my nationalities, age, gender
What does my top ten say about my age, gender, and my taste in music?
Chi conosce il vostro stipendio?
Guess my Top Artist