Is anyone aware of a free open source CMMS?
Rejected after interview and then saw they reposted the ad
Am interviewing. I use a cane due to a medical condition. Got asked in a phone interview follow up if the cane is “just a temporary thing or permanent or…?”
I’m either depressed that I don’t have a job or I’m depressed about having one
Informed by This YouTubers Research
Reddit, share some of the ways your parents spent meaningful time with you OR ways you do so with your own children. What made lasting impressions, however long, brief, big, or small?
What would you do if Gordon Ramsay showed up to your house right now at this moment?
Why are you on the "new" tab of this subreddit?
If you were to get plastic surgery that noticably changed one or more of your features (ex: rhinoplasty, fox eye lift, etc) and you had a kid that inherited your original feature(s), how would you go about explaining that to them?
Aliens invade Earth and then leave within 24hrs. Why?
Can crypto be fully successful if we ultimately “think” in fiat?
Philosophers of Reddit: Do you think it's possible that the self doesn't exist? If not, why?
People who suffer from Paranoia/Anxiety. How do you get the feeling that you're being watched to go away?
what is a video that always gives you goosebumps?
What's your thoughts when family from far away comes to your house to stay for a few days during the holidays?
What's up with the seemingly coordinated FUD against crypto in general right now?
How do you feel about non-muslims demanding a choice for non-halal meat, in a world where businesses and restaurants are increasingly stocking only halal?
Term Limits for Politicians in the US. Yes/No…..and how long if yes?
[SERIOUS] This is not an argument starter but for those who voted for Joe Biden who regret voting for him, why do you regret it?
How much alone time is needed per day or per week to keep sanity?
How much me time or alone time do you need per day or per week to keep your sanity?
Is telling me that she’s interviewing me for the more “entry level version” of the position I applied for online & that they have different titles but they are the “same job” her way of trying to get me to lowball salary?
Are jobs done with training new employees these days?
I am a clinically diagnosed psychopath AMA
If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be?