Do these stitches look like they're getting infected? My 79-y/o dad with dementia takes his bandage off every single day, and I have to put new ones back on.
thisvid down? or banned just like pornhub?
Call Centre (Remote opportunities)
Call centre opportunity
Good gentle cleanser for Sebderm people starting accutane.
Difficulties with SATS
Agressive BJ ruined my circumcision revision?
حد اتعامل قبل كدة مع مستشفى السعودي الالماني؟
This guy I was talking to blocked me after he saw how hairy my ass was 😢 why does everyone hate hairy asses?
What do you call your dick?
Good urologist in Cairo?
What’s your go-to porn site?
What video game dudes sparked your younger gay self?
What’s your gay porn star favorites? 🥵
"All I want for Christmas is that I have a lot of fun."
[OC] We Tried and Ranked EVERY pizza in our city (MONCTON NB, CANADA)
God of War Ragnorök PS4 & PS5 (Digital Edition - US Region) Giveaway
It's my first time owning a playstation. Never owned one before because we aren't really that rich. Got my first job and saved enough to buy a used PS4 Pro. Bought most of my games digitally because they were cheap during sales.
Weird looking openings on the back of my G14 (2021)
Brightness Changing automatically
Screen brightness on battery saver mode
Just got my G14 today
Penultimate (Last but one in a series of things/Before the last)
What an inspirational/ Incredible person he is!! The lad has a great attitude and one that many people could learn from!! You are absolutely amazing Jono!