Recommendations for Dynavap Heat Source
Will the Crafty+ take Crafty parts?
How often are you cleaning your vaporizer?
I recently purchased a crafty + for the purpose of microdosing , I have questions regarding less than full doses in the heating chamber.
Just some noob questions
What strains would you like to see come available in the Aus Medicinal Market in 2024?
Where do 30-40 year old single men hang out in Brisbane?
Biocan't strikes again. Strawberry flat cake.
Can I Use This?
Best plugin to get started with
In need of a good doctor and clinc
Selling 2nd hand CDs in Brisbane
Tolerance Break - is 3 days enough for my usage?
Topaz 25
Noob question about temperature control
Vape options
What modulation pedal should I get?
Need a new vape.
After Cleaning Vape With Isopropyl
Cheese Quake has been discontinued?
Found a great artist name, but
Boss GT 1000 Core AU sale price
Follow Ups
Tolerance Break