Madfut Codes - 26th March
Can you name a character more beautiful than her? (spoiler alert: no matter the answer, it will be wrong regardless)
What's your name without these letters?
I can’t decide on which of these girls hair I’d want to smell more? Who would you pick?
Love meeting VAs
The longer you stay single... [Kimi Zero]
What does my top 4 waifu's say about me?
Madfut Codes - 25th March
Who would be your ideal girlfriend and why?
It's deku's birthday what would each character gift him?
Ask me something and I’ll answer back like her! (Kyoka Jiro)
What are your gaming-related headcanons when it comes to U.A. students and staff?
What moment in the anime made you go like this:
It do be like that
Ronaldo and Messi destroyed
Madfut Codes - 24th March
This is why I only open reddit at home
Day one of posting memes for no reason
Something funny i thought about
Which Anime girl is the most beautiful?
The Determination in Xenovia's eyes.... 💀💀💀
Who would you choose to serenade and/or do karaoke with? And what are you singing?
Pretend I'm denki kaminari and ask me anything.