He is literally going to die, Alex!
I Couldn’t get the lemonade farm skin when I redeemed them can the mods fix this?
Type "that spy is a" and let ur keyboard finish the sentence
level 1200
Find the Impostor,99% oF pEoPlE cAnT gEt ThIs RiGhT?!!??!!
This is a little anti-hate to remind you guys that its a free game, with free updates and content, and it has to compete with things like skibidi tower defence.
Just hit lvl 25 quadrillion
If the korblox nametag is from the mega token... then what's the point of impossible mode?
What is your favorite version of the Fallen Guardian
yo guys whats your favorite farm skin mines the vendor skin
what do you guys think about this?
IMPORTANT: If you want to get the mega token in TDS, you have to get all previous mega tokens (image unrelated)
Day 3 of waiting for lemonade farm less than 7k more likes
Should i do molten warlord or molten monster?
I've been trying to beat badlands 2 for like a week atp with randoms so I can get cowboy but I just can't win no matter how much I try, any tips?
What are some of the biggest problems/incidents tds even had? (eg, RoF bug)
Seeing other people doing this, and I wanna do it so yeah
What’s a skin that people really like but you don’t like?
You can drive on simplcity remastered
What's the point of having skins from coin crates (like basic, pirate, etc.) in the daily store? Shouldn't they be removed from it?
Scrub your floor (idk)
Pronounced "Kwez"
Who would win in a fight?
What should i buy next?