Need EXP Lane
I'm gonna delete this game, ain't worth.
Mlbb is losing active players?
How do you win your ranked matches? people claim that the so called Dark System exists... do you agree?
fuck you all
This is beyond stupid...
Wtf just happend?
Do you guys still have chats/messages from 5 - 10 years ago or older?
Only real ones remember this dude
Here's mine, feel free to judge
YouTube I'm just about done with your ass
Just passed 10k subscribers yesterday and to celebrate I'd like to check out your videos and give some feedback
This is my third attempt to create a Youtube Channel. Failed in 2019. Tried again in 2023 and failed. Really researched, prepared 3 months, practised video editing and launched 4 weeks ago. I was monetized this morning!
just seeing this makes you feel suffocated
For real
Do you believe there is a God? why or why not.
What age did you get into your first relationship?
Top post from Indian city subreddits
Why did I get a B+ for this game?
Getting around with females?
You know you’re an INTP when______.
How Do You View Religion?
Are INTPs actually nice?
My two best friends are sleeping with each other
Sounds a lot like RX100. Was confused it was the Auto at first, any idea which engine this sound is?