What games would you recommend I get on the PS3 store?
Is this copy of elite beat agent real?
Once I finish 3 what game should I play next?
What is the original story of S2 Ep 1?
Who do you think has the most trauma/emotional baggage between Rick and Clem?
If you could retroactively add one homosexual romance to any FE game which characters would it be?
[Loved Trope] Characters who are sexy and own it.
Day #1: What's the best episode that Scott's made so far?
Plot or character details that are never confirmed, but are so extremely heavily implied that they might as well be.
“Fire!” “But, our troops—“ “I SAID FIRE!”
My simplified game timeline
How many auditions do y'all do in a day?
Fake underdogs are the absolute worst
(Hated) Characters who seemed pretty decent, only for their personality to just... change for the worse.
Any theories as to why Arvo was trying to shove the bag of medicine into a garbage can?
TWDG v. TWDC Phase 3 (Round 22/75): The Inured Survivalists. Kenny (Season 2 & 3) vs Rick (Compendium 2), which character is better written?
From the characters that died before or in the prison. Who do you think would have been the most determinant in the whole story?
[*Mostly* Hated trope] "Everybody hates them" joke
I fucking love when the despicable, irredeemable, wretched character gains a speck of honor/aura/balls/dignity before the end.
What do we know about dicks life before batman other than being a circus acrobat?
Is Revelations worth playing after finishing Birthright?
What is this obsession with making Barbra Gordon be with everyone?
Which Nintendon't characters are most likely to be cut next time?
Is Clementine not being the main character of Season 3 a new frontier the main reason the whole season 3 is infamously hated?