Rare 90s detroit
In honor of 313 day: Biblically Accurate Detroit
Suede Carhartt? Cannot match this to any other one feels like faux suede maybe
need help finding the make/model of these pants i thrifted (they are my favorite pants!!!)
New wheels for the 5-speed Rolla
B136 DKB year of production
Which year is this arctic jacket?
New Wheels
Got my hands on these B111 BRN from -00 a while ago! Very happy
B11 CGR(Cement Grey) 2002
Those with 11th gen’s that have put a Apple car play unit in their car
side stripes with the 3xls😛😛
Summer Jean options
Anyone know the exact model name tag is fully faded
Only a long sleeve but colours are so good together and I haven’t seen this sleeve font before.
Some Interesting Double Knee’s Seen Today In Store
Can’t seem to find these olive green pants anywhere, any help?
1 owner Carhartt jacket 😂
Carhartt Workwear Fake / Replica Guide. Ask authenticity related questions here!
Anyone know what year this jacket is
450 obo
Can I get an id? Just given these by my grandpa (tag ripped off)
2010 Corolla S good price?
Scooped this J14 CHT
Looking for info on my coat