Next: walk to the kitchen and bring your own food to your table
Remember that video of Dr Strange got CC'd for 23 seconds?
What do you guys think? Yay or Nay?
Companies poking fun at their competitors
Favorite meme so far?
Fill the comments with positive things about Dragapult
What are some quick (legal) ways to make money?
Bucky says the N word then fucking dies
Nice to meet you I'm This-Conclusion-5497
How do you even get to 108 in a single game ? 😭
Dmn twitter upset
Suddenly They Have A Sibling
Ty is HOT tf he on about
I remember you was conflicted
Is this game a battery killer?
"Hold a minute, THIS IS CANON/OFFICIAL!?" and stuff that's too absurd to believe even for where it comes from.
Anyone else regret buying a certain skin?
Goon's mental health
inside jokes within fandoms
Bruh what the hell happened in Krakkoa?
offerings at the sunway stroker’s table
Drake is soooo shady bruh lol
J Cole's humility = gone
Follow mee.. FAARAAJJ..