Fun project I did with my girlfriend
Fun project I did with my friends
Got accepted into Purdue Aero Eng!! (more than happy to answer questions regarding US schools)
My fan casting for season 6
Best of my competition photos this past year!
Can anyone ID jeans worn here?
Cheapest alternatives to u.s and german ww1 uniforms?
A Place of Wor(k)ship | Feedback welcome!
CSS Profile - Postal Code not working for international students?
it really WAS NOT that bad...
We need new Air RB mode, like Endurance Conflict
What is your favorite MBT in War Thunder?
AA America needs
Now that I think about it..what was the last thing from MAGA that was actually true?
Open hi hat sounds like shit
Finally got the F2H...had to be done
Favorite ride cymbal you own?
I hate the Stanford EC essay
Gregg Bissonette's very impressive take on Caravan
In Prospect (2018), Cambodian psychadelic rock is used to represent 'alien music'.
Is it illegal for a Cities Skylines airport to have 14 runways? Also, is it illegal to have buildings so close to the runway?
Tide laundry detergent used to decontaminate protective suits. Operation Castle, Bikini Atoll, 1954
Crack in the pavement extends into the yard
FilmFreeway: what does "Waiver Codes Only" mean? Can I only submit if I have one?