I voted for Donald Trump because I'm _______.
One from TØP and another band/singer
If you can spell out the lyrics of Rap God, I'll come out to my sister.
Name your most infuriating Bluey hot take
The best and worst subs are r/_______ and r/_______
Name her after the last Spotify artist you listened to
Things that dogs shouldn’t eat
"She" also likes to draw comics
Play that funky music _______ boy!
Ouija, how many Canadians does it take to equal three Canadians?
Literally true
What kind of person does Hatsune Miku not talk to?
Petition to rename America to _______
What if someone broke all the rules in r/CaptainUnderpants?
live action dog man movie leak!!!
What did you get?
How many times have you cussed on reddit?
In the morning I open my blinds to the shining sun and the busy street below. Then I _______.
Spirits, I forgot how to eat. Help me teach me how to eat
Why did you eat all of my ____?
Spread the word
DC fandom, we need to have a talk.
My girlfriend just asked me to join her cult….. what should I do?