What are some non-fiction books that had a lasting impact on you?
What are some non-fiction (no self-help, no self-improvement, no coach bullshit) that had a lasting impact on you somehow?
Cano vazando, como resolver?
Enfiaram I.A. até no Bloco de Notas !!
O que é ser CLT? Vou mostrar
Devo desistir desta psicóloga? Já é a quarta com quem eu faço terapia.
Joe Rogan’s Vedic Birth Chart: A Closer Look at the Astrology Behind the Podcasting Icon 🧐🔎
No need to revolt... the world is already falling.
I quit two hours before I was supposed to show up to my first day...
I’m starting to realize that having kids is a pretty big gamble in life.
Vocês botam fé que isso aqui é uma vaga arrombada?
Cristão afirma que evangelizou profissional do RH no meio da entrevista
Why the most important aspect of survival is almost never subject of posts here?
Salário tá abaixo da média do mercado? Foda-se
“A vida é uma competição”
Surely shareholders can sue right?
Louisiana lawmakers vote to remove lunch breaks for child workers, cut unemployment benefits
Why do you think Linux Torvalds is not as appreciated as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs when it comes to people who changed computing?
Where is the d?
Guess why I was banned!
Vender sites é viavel atualmente?
Shadow DOM's poor design makes it unusable?
Asking for anime recommendations
Dependency injection in 2023: useful or not?