Accidentally discovered an easy way to make an extra 2400g (or more) your first spring

Maybe I'm late to the party and its always been intentional by design, but I realized if you plant cauliflower day 1 it will grow just in time to get you 20 speedgrow from the Spring crop bundle on the day of the Egg festival (you also need green beans, potatoes, and parsnips but those you can plant a few days late and still be okay). You can't go to the community center until after the festival because town's off limits while they set up, so you gotta pre-prep your soil and run over there at like 10pm when the festival is over, but there is enough time. For the 20 strawberries that get fertilizer you get an extra harvest out of them if you plant them that night only. The extra harvest gives at least 2400g and likely more as theres a chance for bonus strawberries when picking and some will have higher quality. And early game that money is nothing to scoff at (if you aren't like utilizing major exploits I guess) and just wanted to share :)

The crazy part is I didn't even buy cauliflower seeds, I had just planted wild seeds and realized after the fact it lines up like this