What health advice did you learn the hard way that you would caution young people to follow so they don’t regret when they’re older ?
February 28, 2025 - Weekly FAQ and Beginner Q&A Thread | If you are new to Neville, please post your questions here! How do I manifest X? What does Y mean?
Those who have walked in on their partners having sex with someone else, how (if you did) did you heal from that ?
What did you think people were exaggerating about until you experienced it yourself ?
People who deal with chronic pain, how do you function on a day-to-day basis?
What scares you the most about the ocean?
What were your parents right about all along ?
What’s a food that takes a lot of effort, but is absolutely worth it?
Fans of dead celebrities, which death hurt you the most?
What advice would you give to someone currently dealing with something you managed to overcome ?
What’s your “never meet your heroes” story that you’ve experienced or heard before ?
What is one thing that you tried and realized-that it was not for you?
What is a lot harder than people realize ?
How many nudes of yourself do you have on your phone right now?
What are you sick of seeing on social media ?
What’s something you wish you learned earlier in life ?
What is something that you think someone your age shouldn’t be doing coz you think they are too old to be doing that ?
I’m turning 20 in two months. Is it true that time goes faster from 20-30 than from 10-20?
What made you finally quit smoking/drinking ?
Men who are dating/have dated women who earn significantly more than you, how is/was the relationship ?
Recommendations similar to Armani Code Profumo
What’s something you’ve experienced that you would never wish on your worst enemy ?
What is likely to die along with the baby boomers generation?
What’s the scariest physical altercation you’ve ever seen or been a part of ?