Yeah.. my two favorite bands growing up were Brand New and TSSF.. you can tell
Have you ever stolen something in a locker room or gotten something stolen from you?
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ruin a song title by replacing one word with "fuck"
Adam attacks Reddit on recent ADS episode, calls us awful and nobodies
Sorting TTPD
What song do you wish had a longer run time?
Would you rather have a park or a street named after you in your nation‘s capital?
Hat hier irgendjemand seinen Namen offiziell geändert? Bist du zufrieden? Hast du es bereut?
Großer Schlag gegen Fahrraddiebe
Wo kann man in Wien einen iPod kaufen?
Travis Barker confirms he is the producer and drummer for the new Yellowcard album!
You can only listen to one Taylor song for the rest of your life, what is it?
Besides Taylor‘s Versions, do you think Taylor will ever release something better received than Midnights again?
What would your realistic chances have been to survive the Titanic crash if you were on board?
Opinions on my album rankings
What songs from folkmore or evermore would sound best in the style of Reputation?
Kann ich zu Bahnhof Gerasdorf mit einer Wiener Linien Jahreskarte fahren?
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