Eric and or Dylan's Doom hours
where people at school afraid of eric and dylan?
Why did you become interested in Columbine?
Tom Mauser's Book - Face to Face Meeting with the Harrises
My great-grandmother with my grandfather (little boy next to her), her sister (standing behind them), and their friends. Zaporizhia, southern Ukraine, 1930s
I watched the mass shooting series on Paramount Plus and the episode on Columbine left me with more questions than answers.
Homicide count
Columbiners and their motives to be in the fandom
Columbine Survivor's Death Ruled A Homicide, Bringing Death Toll To 14
What's that smell on Dame street?
Dylan Klebold really wanted to do the massacre? is the "Dylan pushover" theory true?
I wish there was more info on older cases
Eric's Basement Tape
Do you think school shootings would be less frequent if Columbine never happened?
Documentary about Columbine
Why does Dave Cullen portray Eric as evil and Dylan as a lost puppy?
difficulty finding a quote by E
16 year old me thought this was a look
What books are recommended?
Found this book at my school's library. Haven't read it yet, opinions on it?
Columbine caught on fire
Eric in the Marines? How do you think he would have gone through?
Do you think it was necessary to tear the whole library down?
I'm very curious about the bombing. How did they plan a whole bomb attack?.
Does anyone else think Eric and Dylan secretly both backed out of the massacre?