Mom relapsed again and won't admit it, she really needs help.
the Drama Call x adidas Superstar II "Head North"
Adidas Mercedes Superstars
What’s your favorite non-hyped shoe in your collection?
Why don’t Ewings get any love ?
Rehab for court
What y'all rockin for St Patty's?
Dime collection has a new member.
What would you choose?
Peeling sole on 2 day old 700s
30 Male, Private Military Contractor, Single, Spokane WA
41M ; No kids; Dual French-American living on an island in the Philippines.
Blank pants shrunk immediately
Healthcare Workers, do you make your bed every day?
Hot Take
How many raffles did you enter?
Every 30 Year Olds Has To Go To Court For Judicial Circuit (Choose and pick out your favorite 20 pictures of mine) but please positive comments and no negative comment.
Part 4 - 450
What are these things in my bed? This isn’t rice so what is it??
Are these fake? Lmk
Woke up with these bump. Itchy bumps on elbow. Not tiny bumps, bigger bumps And several. Maybe 6 or 7
20 pics of sneakers I've worn lately
Is it weird if i only wear adidas?
The soles of my Airmax are cracking. Is there a way to fix this? Or at least prevent further damage