What if actually the laser is slow?
Funni meme
Question, what is the WORST power-scaling take you've ever heard?
In honor of womens day, let's not sexualize or objectify our favorite women.
Since I don't think I've ever seen one, here's a list of Fixers tiered by grade, as per de official artbook
What favorite character has you in this situation
Sinner Tier List based on who I think could play the Piano
[Hated Trope] When a villain’s motivations are too reasonable, so the writers make them do out of character immoral acts to make them seem more evil
Why does Nemo have Yujin's counter?
Vibe Coding...
Favorite character that one their arms is a weapon
From r/programmerhumor. I am not a programmer.
Is xavier fucking dumb
Show Your Friends The Beautiful Mole Dance
"Cyn" "one of the most powerful characters ever created" outjerked once more
Cyn is one of the most powerful characters ever created
If ID skins as a concept were actualized, which IDs would you use most for each sinner?
I don’t know how to use Google to find the significance of 14
Someone remade a meme from here. What do you guy, gals,nonbinary pals think?
It doesn't count when you don't do it directly
”No, I am actually in fact not a robot”.
Can someone explain
To all the people who say, Kids shows are just kid shows.
i saw someone say this in reaction to reading 6500 right now, this is such an ipad-kid-off-the-content-farms surface level misunderstanding of what either faction wants
erm Pete?