What is the most captivating non-fiction book you've ever read?
What would you do?
Laying in bed all day.what to do?
New cameras - Seat belt fine
Those who hid pets from a landlord and the landlord found out, what happened?
I don't like working out, what is your motivation ?
Got a bag of goodies from Google Rep today.
TIFU by thinking dickcheese was normal
What should I do with my hair
What practically yells "I'm very insecure"?
Lonely as fuck. Where can I make friends as an adult?
Is my husband sabotaging my work?
Forgot what flower this is but anyone know how I could help it upon first glance? :(
Homemade kimchi help
can someone help me figure out what's up with my prints? too much ink in some areas and none in the others?
underexposed or bad emulsion?
maybe a dumb question but is this from too much emulsion?
how do I save my capsicum :(
suggest me a fantasy book with good characters, magic, undertones of royalty and maybe a little bit of romance
best markets around near ashgrove for fruit and veggies?
how tf can I revive my zucchini :( Brisbane/australia
does anyone know the cause of these spots on my capsicum/bell peppers? Brisbane, australia
how to I save her 😭 my poor zucchini
I'm lost.