Y’all vegans are super weird!
Oh my
Yet another vegan restaurant “expanding its menu” to accommodate non-vegans…
Do you ever think about how much money you could grift off right-wingers if you tried?
“stop buying eggs”..
Does this happen to anyone else?
US added to international watchlist for rapid decline in civic freedoms
AlJazeera investigation shows the identity of IOF soldiers who destroyed civilian property in Gaza
Insufficient Funds Triggered by Insurance Company, who credited me the payment anyway. SMH.
Vegans should show more compassion to other humans.
Not a great time to be an American ally
Who bought and paid for the last election? 💰🎩🏦🤑
Why do westoids hate China so much?
average vegetarian grocery trip
Watch Out for Putin!
TDIL plant milk isn't vegan. Be careful!
Words to live by when you wake up every morning
R.I.P this sub......
Won’t someone please think of the billionaires??? 😭😟😟😥😥
Is it weird to want to burn all my shirts from my previous shitty jobs?
Anyone else hate the concept of sidehustles?
Anyone else ok with being single forever?
Does anyone else get irrationally angry when retirees go back to work just cause they're bored?
Thank the cops