3 hours into the release of Dragon's Dogma 2, and user reviews are sitting at a 38% citing horrible performance and microtransaction hell including: intentional lack of features to encourage buying microtransactions.
Is The Maschine Era Over?
Some Fire GTI/R Shirts from the Dealership I Copped!
If you ever wondered how a Mk8 GTI looks on 17’s….
Various Nitrous Oxide Add-On filters
Finally Installed Badgeskins Headlight Accent on My MK8 GTI & Wrapped Front Side Markers
Creative/Best way to cover this front bumper scratch? Garage Door Closed on my MK8 3
MK8 GTI Badgeskins/Vinyls Install Experiences and Install Quotes?
MK8 GTI 6 M/T Stock Airbox Mods Vs. Aftermarket Intake
Badgeskins Installed! What do you guys think?
Everything I’ve Done To My 23 Mk8 GTI S (check comments)
What's the single, most impactful GPU you've ever bought?
My completed setup! Sundown Audio E12 2ohm, JP8, LC2i
It's been a long time since portable music player gave me shivers and this level of joy - SE300
GOG Version, Can't see LAN lobbies
Cleaning for the first time since I built my PC about 5 years ago
Has gabapentin helped you become more confident?
Pic request for tinted Mk8 fogs
I Passed Out Off About 500-600mg of Pregabalin
Advice on subwoofer/amp setup for my 2023 VW GTI
Advice on subwoofer/amp combo for my 2023 VW GTI
Advice on Subwoofer Installation Parts