100 rounds of chemo
Lovely People on 23rd throwing all their trash in the sewer.
''I will tell the other gays your real ages!!!'' is my favourtite Jenna quote.
Pilot and Co-Pilot lost hearing, had to deplane.
Please try to enjoy each Cat equally, and not show preference for any over the others.
That’s my granny! Circa 1970s?
Will O' Wisps glow up from shelter kitten to Princess! She'll be 6 soon!
From 1 brain cell to 1 brain cell but 3x the size
Just a cute anecdote from the grocery store today
Dear Homeowners: Memory foam is not a selling point!
Canadian beer maker trolls the President with the presidential pack.
Statement from American Distillers’ President
Is Anyone Else Utterly Exhausted?
I summoned up the courage to put a Sashimi in the Tubbs Zone and was rewarded handsomely!
I took a very aggressive personal loan at 9.44% with a 700 min payment
Is there any point where the media will grasp that this is a coup?
Hold the line! We made an oath to protect the constitution from threats, both foreign and domestic.
That’s right, bags have genitals.
ideas for getting this plastic bag out of the top of this tree...
YSK, hospitals all across the US, don’t want to call you patients anymore, you are customers now.
To all who live in Cleveland, do you actually have a good time?
Why does it matter if it’s real Pilates?
How are people getting this medicine?