I'm very sad since I can't play Roblox on March 18 so I can't get the badge:(
How is this even possible?
they killed our leader (the biggest two time hater) 😭😭😭
Yeah it's a wrap guys Forsaken is screwed lol
how this sub gonna be thinking of revenge plots on twotime the nanosecond azure comes out
Well bye forsaken
uhhh first time ever posting on reddit im scared
We had lost
What's a single character that will satisfy my opponent
This is not over, we can still #SAVEOURGAME
Guys I think the game might be done for
Say the survivor and killer you main because I'm bored😔
So wich number are you?
Which killer are you excited for?
i love two time
how this sub be relating to azure
I don't understand why but suddenly the game is just so laggy. Is it just me? (image unrelated)
How do you pronounce c00lkidd's name?
No but how tf are we supposed to survive or stun this thing? 💔
Which Original Killer is your favorite?