Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Barney’s Version (2010)
Bought this Tenacious D album with Green Day inner sleeve
Scent of a Woman (1992)
Last movie you gave 5 stars to?
Half Nelson (2006)
Thought this belonged here too
Made everyone's favourite vampire from Skyrim as a figurine.
Someone was eligible for parole today.
Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
That's a good place to...sleep?
I may never see him live, but in movies it's always a treat
The beginning of a snow storm
Police Story (1985)
Rush Hour (1998) Rush Hour 2 (2001)
Jaws (1975)
Silverado (1985)
The Sisters Brothers (2018)
Hi, Mom! (1970)
These are my most watched actors this year. Who are yours?
Surprised this ain’t been posted yet
Where everybody knows your name...
Take Shelter (2011)
Verse poll
Stuck (2007)
I watched Heat (1995)