[Final Update] Parents told my brother that he could take my house, and I could just live in the camper in the back yard because I'm single and he has a wife and kids (BoRU Part 5)
Southern exposure line in s1e1
Black Bird Oraclr
Tupi the baby capybara is settling in for their morning nap 🥰😍
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from Lost.
Who is your favorite companion/non-sensate sidekick?
TIFU by showing my mom my next baking project
My sisters chip looks like Georgie’s boat from IT.
[New and Final Update 2 Years Later] TIFU by getting fired because i cried.
[New Update] AITA for not allowing my fiancés BF come to our wedding?
Movies where characters are stuck in a place because of weather conditions?
Made my first upcycled rice bag! I think I can do better next time. Look out bird food bag!
We have a Teachers vs. Students basketball game coming up
What popular music do you play while your kids work?
Charlie reminds me of someone but can't place it
ICE was at my hotel and my staff went frantic
AIW My husband is hell on my mental health and I might have to basically ruin his life to get mine back.
[NEW UPDATE 1.5Yrs Later] TIFU when I (25m) learned the language my gf (22) speaks when she gossips with her friends
I (MOH) just found out the bride talked shit behind my back the entire wedding day (but still had me plan/pay for everything)
TIFU by volunteering to drive my professor to the airport
Installer with really odd saying on his shirt
TIFU by getting fired because i cried (Final Update)
How do 29F I breakup with my boyfriend 35M make that refuses to leave my home?