Governor of Arkansas to introduce bill to ban furries
The Govnenor is making new plans for I-40 to not have a single pothole in the left lane on the west bound roads by 2026
New GOP Arkansas Bill that could potentially ban gender affirming hair
Several adults with advanced degrees could not solve this kindergarten homework
According to statistics, 99% of women aged 18-25 have never approached a guy in person. How crazy is that?
guess my age based on my childhood
Reddit’s automatic moderation tool is flagging the word ‘Luigi’ as potentially violent — even in a Nintendo context
Guess my age based off my childhood
CMV: MAGA Is A True Fascist Movement
JD Vance just does biggest financial rug pull in history
Never doubt Trump again L*berals
FWI: What if r/FutureWhatIf stopped making bogus inflammatory political predictions and actually said something of substance for once?
Crazy how most people don’t end up using their degree
Will we have any allies left?
Your apartment when you briefly lived in Southern Europe starterpack
Elon smells bad
Genuine question why the right wing is on the rise everywhere
As of one week before German Elections, the trends in Eastern Germany indicate a growing shift toward fascism.
CMV: people should automatically be added to the organ donor list unless they opt out.
Day 47: Top comment removes a state
I’ve put 100 flyers on my campus tonight, I am protesting fascists and hope my peers join me
I’m blown away by how poorly most of gen z does in interviews (and at work)
it's amazing how much shes changed since 2023