Sad Easter Bunny
Unused footage of Joey and his boys
BB26 Quinn Martin AMA
Just finished watching BB16…might stop watching the show
No one was expecting 90 degrees in October I guess
What’s the one thing in the house that would be your nightmare?
I have a tradition where I draw my favorite houseguests of the season!
Absolutely fell in love with Leah this season! Her Instagram has been such a joy
Weekend art dump (finale??) 🖼️
Our Reddit bestie Joseph is safe from the hurricane and heading to the finale, yay!
Keep Joseph and his family in your thoughts during hurricane Milton ☹️
Weekend art dump 🖼️
what is that one dance commonly seen in western media (shows, movies ABOUT the west) when a fiddle plays and two people lock their arms and go in a circle?
Weekend BB fanart dump 🖼️
I miss them and wish things could have been different
'Big Brother' season 26 comic book covers revealed (exclusive)
What is your absolute dealbreaker in a relationship?
BB26 Joseph Rodriguez AMA
I'm honestly more invested in the Ainsley storyline than I am for the outcome of the players.
What is the most unfortunate last name you've seen someone have?
Big Brother US 26 - Morning Feed Discussion - September 28 2024
________ is the tenth evictee of BB26 and third Juror
________ is the eleventh evictee of BB26 and fourth Juror