Who makes the best chips in South Africa?
I am the giving after ending.
Feedback please :)
I'm holy and promiscuous
In the beginning
Evil Wizard commands it
Elon Musk Immediately Calls for Judges to Be Impeached After Rulings Overturn DOGE Firings
Teach me, oh biltong masters
A Genie Let's You Get 1 Item for Free
Luck Dragons, CR 16 Embodiments of Good Fortune
Jumping rules nearly got my table to fight
Need a female Drow name for the nickname Vexx
My teacher marked me wrong because Africa is now a country
Command "introduce" + silvery barbs
I need help with a slur.
What do you call two piers stacked on one another?
The Magic Money Fairy is here to bless you, which power are you taking for life?
I went to a psychic today. I knocked on the door, she asked, "who is it?"
A weird favor (tagged NSFW due to crimes against books)
Fey Names
TIFU by sending an email to upper level management with an *egregious* typo
Agatean Empire is not orientalist culture chop , It’s a parody of it.
I need a devastating insult from a noble to a peasant
Tell us you're from South Africa without telling us you're from South Africa